Prepping for AI: Top Five Things To Consider
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way businesses operate, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency and innovation. However, integrating AI-powered systems into your organisation requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Whilst that might sound daunting we can assure you that in reality, it isn’t (providing you’re properly prepared!). To help you along with that aforementioned prep, we’ve complied what we think are the top five things to consider ahead of your organisation embarking on its AI journey…
1. Understand the Unique Considerations of AI Implementation
Introducing AI-powered systems into your organisation differs significantly from implementing traditional software. While conventional software focuses on automating specific tasks or processes, AI systems possess the capability to learn, adapt, and make decisions autonomously. With this in mind, it’s essential that you conduct thorough assessments of your data infrastructure, ensure algorithmic fairness and accountability, and establish clear guidelines for AI usage within your organisation.
2. Establish an Internal AI Council
A crucial aspect of AI readiness is the establishment of an internal AI council. This cross-functional team should consist of experts from various departments, including data science, IT, legal, and business operations. The main focus of the AI council is to oversee the strategic direction of AI initiatives, facilitate collaboration between different stakeholders, and ensure alignment with organisational goals and values.
3. Make Sure You Have Responsible AI Principles and Generative AI Policies
Responsible AI principles and generative AI policies are essential frameworks for guiding ethical AI usage within your organisation. Responsible AI principles encompass values such as fairness, transparency, accountability, and privacy protection. Generative AI policies, on the other hand, focus on promoting innovation while minimising potential risks and negative consequences. These policies should be integrated into the development, deployment, and monitoring phases of AI projects to ensure ethical and responsible AI usage.
4. Prioritise Education and Training
Education and training play a pivotal role in preparing your organisation for AI implementation. As AI technologies continue to evolve rapidly, it’s crucial to invest in upskilling your workforce to understand and leverage AI capabilities effectively. Provide comprehensive training programs on AI concepts, tools, and best practices tailored to different roles and skill levels within your organisation. Encourage continuous learning and experimentation with AI technologies to foster a culture of innovation and adaptability.
5. Read Mobysoft’s Introducing AI Into Your Organisation: A Guide for the UK Social Housing Sector
As we mentioned at the top of this article, the key consideration for when bringing AI into your working environment and the processes within is PREPARATION. The accompanying video and the editorial you’ve just read are a great starting point, but for a more comprehensive look into the machinations of successfully introducing AI, Mobysoft’s Introducing AI Into Your Organisation guide is a fantastic resource. Expanding on core topics including how AI is relevant to social housing, ensuring transparency, explainability & legality, preventing data bias, and instilling a positive people & culture, this guide is essential reading for those with a responsibility for bringing the power of Artificial Intelligence into a social housing context. Click the image below to download your copy today!
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