
Improving Performance

In this environment, performance can be measured in many ways, including tenancy duration, tenant satisfaction, service quality, collections and arrears performance and organisational efficiency. RentSense helps to improve all these metrics, to the benefit of the organisation, and to the benefit of tenants

RentSense helps Directors of Housing to:

Optimise the organisation’s ethical collections processes
Help more tenants to overcome financial difficulties
Support more tenants through difficult times so that they can remain in their homes
Reduce evictions, along with all the cost and heartache that accompanies them
Intervene early, targeting the right tenant at the right time with the right support, enhancing customer satisfaction
Deliver more for less: more efficient use of resources, more interaction and more tenant support – all at lower cost
Improve the cash position, enable more investment in stock & services that make a difference to tenants’ lives
Deliver more social value, whilst also delivering organisational plans and goals

What Housing Directors say about RentSense

Moat – Kristian Melgaard

B3Living – Chris Ellison

See how RentSense benefits all those involved

Explore the benefits of RentSense

Our flagship product, RentSense, helps social landlords of all sizes to optimise their rent
collections operations, whilst also empowering their people to work more effectively.

What Housing, Operations and Customer Service directors say about RentSense

From a director level the relationship with the Mobysoft account director is key. The sharing of data and insight, especially round the larger issues such as Universal Credit is incredibly valuable for us.
Luke Bingham

Staff embraced the system. They could see the benefits and they were able to complete their arrears alerts every week, which before was not possible. As a result, there has been more subtle benefits too, staff turnover has reduced as job satisfaction has increased.
Geoff Waterton
Enfield Council

The effects of having RentSense were immediate, arrears dropped by around £1m in the first three months. This showed we were supporting the right tenants at the right time and intervening early to help families and individuals out of debt and also prevent debt
Alex Nagle

With Mobysoft there is also a clear sense of shared values and outcomes, they have a real understanding of the issues and the sector and bring a lot of information and data together that’s hard to access elsewhere. So that understanding is data based and they flag to you what you need to be aware of.
Chris Ellison

Why Babergh & Mid Suffolk Council recommend a RentTest

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Useful guides

Be ready for what tomorrow brings.

A RentTest enables landlords to benchmark their data against 170 landlords and see what RentSense would deliver for their organisation