The system analyses existing data from the Housing Management System (HMS) to accurately predict the future financial behaviour of individual tenants.


via its intuitive dashboards and reports, RentSense provides actionable insights into the circumstances of individual tenants. Highly complex information is presented in a way that clarifies who to contact next, and why.


the system prioritises workflows, enabling early interventions that optimise the outcomes for both landlord and tenant.


Better outcomes for all

This combination of automated prioritisation and timeliness delivers better outcomes for the organisation, and for the individual tenant struggling with arrears. RentSense frees up staff time, so that tenants facing difficulty can be offered support and assistance, early enough to make a difference


An award-winning product

RentSense is a multi-award winning, intelligent collection tool, already in use by over 170 social housing organisations across the UK.  

By applying algorithms and predictive analytics to existing transactional data, RentSense automatically identifies cases that most need attention, and which are most likely to fall into arrears, which could be prevented via early intervention. 


Tailored for your needs

The system can be tailored to the shape of individual organisations, and the way collections teams are organised.  

RentSense requires no data input: it simply draws on tenant information already held by the organisation.  This information is then presented in a crisp graphical format, creating a prioritised list of individual actions needed. 

What our customers have to say

We have been able to sustain more tenancies and RentSense has helped the officers with this. By March 2020 we had reduced evictions by 17 compared to the same time in March 2019.
Helena Pountney

RentSense has assisted us mitigate Universal Credit and welfare reform, it’s the simplicity of the accuracy of RentSense that is so important. The cases are prioritised in order relevant to us, and it acts as a really clear work tray for staff.
Christopher Todd
Your Homes Newcastle

We currently have around 2,500 tenancies claiming UC, and at present our average UC arrear is £70. RentSense and Rent First have been instrumental in helping the team achieve this.
Matt Kelly
Ongo Homes

With RentSense it has freed up the officers’ time, so they are not fire-fighting but focusing their time and it is getting results as arrears have fallen by about £200,000.
Julie Francis
Wrexham County Borough Council

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Be ready for what tomorrow brings.

A RentTest enables landlords to benchmark their data against 170 landlords and see what RentSense would deliver for their organisation