
Income Manager’s view

RentSense helps you to keep track of your team, their workload, their challenges and their overall performance, in terms of income generation and in terms of cases completed or actioned.

With RentSense, you can review workload by individual or by patch, reconfiguring either as caseloads vary. As a manager, you can check in at any point to see if team members are on track, or in need of management support.


Housing Director’s view

As a Director of Housing, you’ll naturally be focused on organisational KPIs, such as customer satisfaction and value for money, and services offered to tenants. Recently, the challenges facing a Director of Housing have increased. A combination of the roll out of Universal Credit, ongoing cost of living crisis, and the pressure to deliver more for less has made a tough job much tougher.

In this environment, performance can be measured in many ways, including tenancy duration, tenant satisfaction, service quality, collections and arrears performance and organisational efficiency. RentSense helps to improve all these metrics, to the benefit of the organisation, and to the benefit of tenants.


Income Officer’s view

Those on the front line of rent-collection are motivated by a desire to do the right thing for the organisation whilst also doing their best to help tenants to stay in their homes. RentSense can reduce an officer’s caseload by more than 50%, allowing for individuals on the front-line to spend more time on the more delicate situations, where human interaction can make all the difference.


IT Director’s view

The IT function lies at the heart of efforts to improve automation, data quality and the gathering of insights that underpin better business-decision making.  Above all, as organisations embrace a digital-first approach to all activities, it falls to the IT function to offer practical help and advice. RentSense helps the IT function to deliver against all of the above. 


Finance Director’s view

As a Finance Director, you’ll naturally be focused on the major financial metrics that signal the health of your organisation. You’ll have your eye on external stakeholders, such as regulators, banks and credit agencies. In an era where efficient services are paramount, RentSense empowers social landlords with invaluable data-driven insights, driving efficiencies within income collection and ultimately, providing assurance to the board and regulators. Once up and running, RentSense offers Finance Directors a clear return on their investment and contributes to the overall financial health of any social housing operation.


Tenant’s view

What tenants and their families want most is a long-term home. RentSense helps them achieve this, even when financial difficulties arise. RentSense analyses payment patterns and highlights when a tenant seems to be running into difficulty, enabling early intervention and two-way, helpful dialogue. As with any financial challenge, early intervention makes a viable solution easier to find. 

What our customers say

For me that’s always been the business case for RentSense, and less of ‘can you do the same with fewer people’, but it’s more ‘can you help more people with the same size team’ and ‘can you really focus your resources around the people that need it the most.
Chris Ellison

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