In an effort to enhance their income collection and reduce arrears within its Temporary Accommodation (TA) arrears management, Lambeth Council partnered with Mobysoft to utilise the RentSense TA platform. Belinda Lord, Revenue and Income Manager for Homeownership & Rents, Housing and Adult Social Care at Lambeth Council, provides insights into the challenges faced before implementing RentSense and the remarkable outcomes achieved since its adoption.
There’s been quite a lot of talk in the news of late about the impact of Temporary Accommodation (TA) on councils on their budgets, how and why is this impacting Lambeth and their peers?
It’s definitely a pervasive problem amongst councils and something that has affected Lambeth. TA is a statutory provision, but the tricky part is that most properties are through private landlords, like nightly paid properties, and what councils have to pay for these properties often surpasses the highest subsidy we can claim in benefit for them. This leads to a huge deficit between what we’re spending and what we can reclaim in rental income.
What were the main challenges Lambeth Council faced around TA prior to utilising RentSense?
The main challenges included a high volume of accounts and limited resources – we only had a small team of five officers. They were using manual spreadsheets, which was time-consuming and inefficient, leading to a big backlog of cases and a lack of focus. There was also a lot of movement around TA, with people frequently moving between properties, complicating case management further. Managing these high turnovers manually was almost impossible and often resulted in overlooked cases and high workloads.