A short conversation with Connect Housing’s Income Services Manager, Ilyas Lunat, about why they invested in RentSense the benefits it has helped deliver.
What was income collection like prior to RentSense?
Prior to RentSense the income team were working off a monthly list from the Housing Management System (HMS). Not only were they unable to get through their caseload, but there was a lot of time wastage with officers checking cases that required no action. We looked at reducing the caseload coming from the HMS with some limited success, but we realised we needed to work more efficiently and essentially deliver more for less.
How have your team managed with a growing workload because of welfare reform and Universal Credit?
The income team has remained static over time, but RentSense has freed up time to deal with additional workload. Before the Customer Service Team used to deal with low-level arrears work but the income team now has the capacity to pick this up.